.The Month Of Love.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hey! Well we are making a come back a bit late in 2011
starting with a visit to my dearest best friend Nahimalis!

Speaking of the month of love, if you are a poo lover
or simply just a valentine's day lover you are sure
to be excited about the new valentine's day items
& of course the new valentine's poo! Isn't it cute?

Well while getting up to speed on all things Pet, I came to find a present sitting on my door step from my dearest best friend and when i opened the gift, it was a sparkly pink poo and i was like, oh cool! but a while later another present showed up on my door and i was wondering, hey! what could that be? Yes, My dearest friend sent me one of the new and very cute valentine's poo! with it's charming hearts floating around it, i payed her a visit to say hello give her many thanks and a big hug, while visiting she was kind enough to show me her's so let's take a look, shall we?

As you can probably already tell, there are many of these weeks new items making up what is her room..i love the bed, i couldn't resist buying one of course, the teddy bear with the heart is a must find in this week's golden box additions it's totally cute, i can't wait to find it my self!

Ah! Well i hope you all have fun finding these weeks new items and decorating your homes for valentine's day, remember to keep an eye out for Hideeni and his wonderful collections & don't forget to show your friends and neighbors how much you care & send them a valentine's e-Card Pet Society Style. Until Next Time! ♥