.Pet Town is HERE.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hello Fellow Pets,

As you probably know or noticed quite quickly shortly after my previous post
Pet Society went into maintenance and came back with the new Pet's Town
some of you are probably still having difficulties with the speed of the game
and what not, i think that the new features are very nice, it's just what i wanted
but i never thought that having it could be such a pain with the lag, also like most
of the great and beautiful things in PS, they are to be bought with CC (PF Cash)
i find it a real drag that 99% of the things on the store for the outside decorations
of the house are mostly limited to be bought by CC, not really giving us much of a
choice to those who stick to mostly using regular coins, the outside of my house has
been unlocked for a bit over a week now and it' still as plain as i got except for the
squirrels house which i put up but otherwise than that there is nothing much to see
i am not saying there shouldn't be CC items, but what i am saying is to please give
non-cc consumers nice options with regular coins, hopefully affordable options and
i have seem to have seen some recycling being done from one or a few PF Games
coming in to PS with the new features, it's not a bad thing but please make it look
and feel nice in it's new environment, What do you guys think about Pet's Town?
Do you think the new feature's accessories are worth the cash coins?

~Until Next Time!