Treasures, Fishing and New Friends!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This is one of Tipsy's newest outfits and
these past couple of weeks have been crazy
and loaded with lots of goodies in the PS
stores, while i have been going nuts with homework, she was lonely and wanting to
go shopping but now that i am around
again, we went for some nice shopping and
we even gained a couple of new angels,
one of my new angels gave us so much
stuff! my finger almost fell off, but we are
very grateful to her, Thank You Lovelyloo!
♥ and i must also thank the lovely peeps
that gifted me my very first pony and
dragon! Tomas and Cathy&Saffron. I also
dug up quite the few new things, fished out
a few cute fish and leveled up in the sims!
Busy, Busy, Busy...Like a bee i have
been... I am also back at G.R.O.W now on
it's 3rd Generation. ♥ 
Here are the pony and the dragon: 
I couldn't have asked for cuter ones than these and i love how the dragon plushie is blushing.
Oh and i can't forget to tell you guys that i have joined another group and it's called:
and i have met very cool new peeps there like one of my angels which is Lovelyloo which
happens to be one of the mods in that thread.Yay! I also met a very particular girl named
Kailie and i think she is very fun, plus i keep running into 

On another note here are some of the fish i fished out this week!

 I also got quite a few cool things while digging around this week.
That concludes our post for today! :] Seeya Soon! ♥