Surprising Days...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hey! So i have a couple of angels that have been being sneaky and have flooded my house with gifts and I want to tell them THANK YOU for being so kind to me, each and every angel is special to me in their own way and i must thank these 2 new lovely angels that have been so kind to me and made my day that much brighter even though my real life hasn't been full of happy moments for a while, these 2 angels came in at the right time to cheer me up with their kindness and sweetness, I can't thank them enough. You gals know who you are. Thank You for being so special. :] ♥

The first picture is from Monday and the second one is from today and well two different angels gifted me on two different days.

I couldn't have asked for better angels, such lovely people...Thank You, to all of those who have one way or another come into my life and have filled it with your kindness, it has been very much appreciated. To me even the smallest act, gift or word is worth more than you will ever know. ♥