.Tipsy's World.

It's been so long...

Friday, December 28, 2012

Hi! It's been a bit over a year since I have posted an entry, but you see I haven't been really playing PS as much as I used to even though I pop in every so often to bathe, feed and tend to my pet Tipsy a bit so that she knows that she hasn't been forgotten. I miss the G.R.O.W. Family which seems to have dispersed for quite a while now, I took a stroll around the thread and it seems like barely anyone posts on it anymore and some who do are basically fresh new faces. I hope everyone is well and who knows I might be back again sometime in the future, but I truly want to say to all of you out there.....


Surprising Days...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hey! So i have a couple of angels that have been being sneaky and have flooded my house with gifts and I want to tell them THANK YOU for being so kind to me, each and every angel is special to me in their own way and i must thank these 2 new lovely angels that have been so kind to me and made my day that much brighter even though my real life hasn't been full of happy moments for a while, these 2 angels came in at the right time to cheer me up with their kindness and sweetness, I can't thank them enough. You gals know who you are. Thank You for being so special. :] ♥

The first picture is from Monday and the second one is from today and well two different angels gifted me on two different days.

I couldn't have asked for better angels, such lovely people...Thank You, to all of those who have one way or another come into my life and have filled it with your kindness, it has been very much appreciated. To me even the smallest act, gift or word is worth more than you will ever know. ♥


Treasures, Fishing and New Friends!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This is one of Tipsy's newest outfits and
these past couple of weeks have been crazy
and loaded with lots of goodies in the PS
stores, while i have been going nuts with homework, she was lonely and wanting to
go shopping but now that i am around
again, we went for some nice shopping and
we even gained a couple of new angels,
one of my new angels gave us so much
stuff! my finger almost fell off, but we are
very grateful to her, Thank You Lovelyloo!
♥ and i must also thank the lovely peeps
that gifted me my very first pony and
dragon! Tomas and Cathy&Saffron. I also
dug up quite the few new things, fished out
a few cute fish and leveled up in the sims!
Busy, Busy, Busy...Like a bee i have
been... I am also back at G.R.O.W now on
it's 3rd Generation. ♥ 
Here are the pony and the dragon: 
I couldn't have asked for cuter ones than these and i love how the dragon plushie is blushing.
Oh and i can't forget to tell you guys that i have joined another group and it's called:
and i have met very cool new peeps there like one of my angels which is Lovelyloo which
happens to be one of the mods in that thread.Yay! I also met a very particular girl named
Kailie and i think she is very fun, plus i keep running into her.lol. 

On another note here are some of the fish i fished out this week!

 I also got quite a few cool things while digging around this week.
That concludes our post for today! :] Seeya Soon! ♥

.Pet Town is HERE.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hello Fellow Pets,

As you probably know or noticed quite quickly shortly after my previous post
Pet Society went into maintenance and came back with the new Pet's Town
some of you are probably still having difficulties with the speed of the game
and what not, i think that the new features are very nice, it's just what i wanted
but i never thought that having it could be such a pain with the lag, also like most
of the great and beautiful things in PS, they are to be bought with CC (PF Cash)
i find it a real drag that 99% of the things on the store for the outside decorations
of the house are mostly limited to be bought by CC, not really giving us much of a
choice to those who stick to mostly using regular coins, the outside of my house has
been unlocked for a bit over a week now and it' still as plain as i got except for the
squirrels house which i put up but otherwise than that there is nothing much to see
i am not saying there shouldn't be CC items, but what i am saying is to please give
non-cc consumers nice options with regular coins, hopefully affordable options and
i have seem to have seen some recycling being done from one or a few PF Games
coming in to PS with the new features, it's not a bad thing but please make it look
and feel nice in it's new environment, What do you guys think about Pet's Town?
Do you think the new feature's accessories are worth the cash coins?

~Until Next Time!

.Pets Town Is Coming!.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hey! So there is a new feature coming in Pet Society,
as many of you might know by now and i am physicked about it, it's just what i wanted for a long time! We are gonna be able to customize our homes on the outside now too! isn't that just awesome? well, i think it is!

But not only do we get to customize our house on the outside but we also have a yard that we can decorate any way we want, with a nifty little squirrel house to keep our little friends happy and warm at night. Of course that like any other decorations in the game, they have to be bought and some are priced with regular coins and some are available with cash coins only. As you can see right here on the right, is a small preview of what our home could look like when decorated, i am guessing that this lovely home on the preview might be our mayor's house. But then again that is just my guess, moving on..We must get help from our friends and fellow neighbors to unlock our lovely yard and the outside of our homes, by first building that nifty little squirrel house i was speaking of earlier before we can break out the decorations.

Also you must be level 6 or above to be able to unlock these cool new features in the game, so if you are not there yet, i suggest you hop to it! so when the new town is here you can get your building on! I wonder if this is coming on the next update on Sunday along with the new items of the week? Either way, I am totally physicked for the release.

Until Next Time! ♥

.Adventure Week with Indiana Bones.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

So this week we venture into exciting new adventures with the Indiana Bones collection and all it's nifty new treasures to find, since i don't do much without my best friend, she invited me over to camp and explore the wild, of course i went right over and started setting up right away, after having everything settled we headed out to do some exploring and sight seeing, let's hope we find some treasure!

Remember to look for the Mayan Treasure Map in the golden mystery boxes so that you and your friends can go searching for treasure. On another note, here we are getting ready for new and exciting adventures after all, what's an adventure without someone to share the moment with? Remember to set up camp before going out to explore and please remember where you set up camp or use you thinking caps for a way to remember the way back. As you can see she brought Mr.Teddy Bones along on the trip, it's always good to keep some comfort from home at sight, that grill thing sure came in handy for making breakfast and making other stuff like smore's, even though now it's just a bit too sticky to clean up, but let's go forward..now that everything is set as you can see, we are ready to head out! See you on out next great adventure in Indiana Bones Week! Remember to pack what you need and don't forget to bring a jeep, it's not an easy road to take on a regular vehicle! Bye Bye for now! ♥

.The Month Of Love.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hey! Well we are making a come back a bit late in 2011
starting with a visit to my dearest best friend Nahimalis!

Speaking of the month of love, if you are a poo lover
or simply just a valentine's day lover you are sure
to be excited about the new valentine's day items
& of course the new valentine's poo! Isn't it cute?

Well while getting up to speed on all things Pet, I came to find a present sitting on my door step from my dearest best friend and when i opened the gift, it was a sparkly pink poo and i was like, oh cool! but a while later another present showed up on my door and i was wondering, hey! what could that be? Yes, My dearest friend sent me one of the new and very cute valentine's poo! with it's charming hearts floating around it, i payed her a visit to say hello give her many thanks and a big hug, while visiting she was kind enough to show me her's so let's take a look, shall we?

As you can probably already tell, there are many of these weeks new items making up what is her room..i love the bed, i couldn't resist buying one of course, the teddy bear with the heart is a must find in this week's golden box additions it's totally cute, i can't wait to find it my self!

Ah! Well i hope you all have fun finding these weeks new items and decorating your homes for valentine's day, remember to keep an eye out for Hideeni and his wonderful collections & don't forget to show your friends and neighbors how much you care & send them a valentine's e-Card Pet Society Style. Until Next Time! ♥